CNA Careers
CNA Trainee Program
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are an essential part of the care that our patients receive at St. Charles Health System. CNAs assist patients with activities of daily living such as personal care, maintaining mobility, nutrition, hydration and comfort. CNAs are an integral part of monitoring patient status.
St Charles Health System offers competitive CNA 1 and CNA 2 wages. We post the wage ranges for listed openings online and base our offers on years of experience a candidate may have. CNAs are also paid a differential for relief (on-call) work, evening and/or night shifts.
In partnership with Central Oregon Community College, St. Charles Health System is now offering CNA 1 training on site. CNA 1 Trainees are hired and paid during attendance to the CNA 1 program. Following successful completion of the program, the CNA Trainee works as a Patient Care Assistant (Sitter). Once certified through the Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) as a CNA 1, they are then placed in a full time CNA 1 position.
St. Charles Health System has growth opportunities for CNA 1 caregivers who are looking to advance their career and obtain their CNA 2 certification. Current caregivers of St. Charles Health System are provided the opportunity to participate in a paid on-site CNA 2 training class. Eligible caregivers include those currently serving in a CNA 1 position at St. Charles and who are in good employment standing.
Often CNAs continue their education and become registered nurses. Many work as CNAs while going through nursing school. This is an opportunity to experience health care in an acute patient care setting. CNAs may also attend health-related programs or transfer to other positions within the hospital system.