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Become a medical assistant
In 2021, St. Charles Health System partnered with Central Oregon Community College (COCC) to allow qualified candidates to attend the Medical Assistant Program with the purpose of providing an opportunity to start or advance a career in health care. Scroll down to learn more, or click Apply Today! to create an account and get started!
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Interested candidates can apply for their tuition to be covered for the 9-month program (Fall, Winter and Spring terms) through St. Charles Foundation.
All candidates selected to enter this program will commit to work as a Medical Assistant for St. Charles Health System for two years once they become a certified Medical Assistant.
While completing the 9-month trainee program at COCC, students may choose to obtain a St. Charles Health System position (Full-time, Part-time or Relief) or students may work outside of St. Charles.
Kaylyn Grammater kcgrammater@stcharleshealthcare.org or Bryna Dowty bfdowty@stcharleshealthcare.org.
Supplemental and pre-requisite course requirements must be completed prior to starting the Medical Assistant Program.
Applications accepted through August.
Classes begin Fall term.
Once accepted into the program, attendance to every class is mandatory. Upon completion of the program and certification you will become a certified Medical Assistant and can complete your two-year commitment working at any St. Charles clinic.
Applications are processed through our St. Charles Foundation grant website. To apply, click the button below and create an account first, then apply online.
Apply Today!
Sample school schedule
All candidates selected to enter this program will commit to work as a Medical Assistant for St. Charles Health System for two years once they become a certified Medical Assistant.
While completing the 9-month trainee program at COCC, students may choose to obtain a St. Charles Health System position (Full-time, Part-time or Relief) or students may work outside of St. Charles.
Kaylyn Grammater kcgrammater@stcharleshealthcare.org or Bryna Dowty bfdowty@stcharleshealthcare.org.
Supplemental and pre-requisite course requirements must be completed prior to starting the Medical Assistant Program.
Applications accepted through August.
Classes begin Fall term.
Once accepted into the program, attendance to every class is mandatory. Upon completion of the program and certification you will become a certified Medical Assistant and can complete your two-year commitment working at any St. Charles clinic.
Applications are processed through our St. Charles Foundation grant website. To apply, click the button below and create an account first, then apply online.
Apply Today!
Sample school schedule